Neighborhood Development Community of Practice
Stakeholders engagement process
In mid-June, City Manager Marcus Jones, Deputy Health Director Dr. Raynard Washington, UNCC Professor and UCity Family Zone leader Dr. Mark DeHaven, and University City Partners Executive Director Darlene Heater gave a group of stakeholder experts a charge to collaborate and develop proposed projects for the short-, medium-, and long-term that holistically and sustainably improve the safety of the Sugar Creek I-84 Interchange area.
This stakeholder group composed of community organizations, coalitions, business and property owners, developers, and County and City staff representatives who either work in this geography or could carry projects forward, joined together to take on this mission. For the two and a half months following that launch, this group shared, taught, learned, brainstormed, and evaluated the problems at hand and solutions, meeting virtually together sometimes as often as three times a week with “homework” in between. This presentation will provide the key takeaways of this work and showcase the talent and collaboration of this group. We hope you will attend as this work will inform the Corridors of Opportunity and Framework to Address Violent Crime through a Public Health Approach led by the City and working with the County and other partners.
Overview of Sprint Goals & Public Health Approach Summary
Current I-85 & Sugar Creek Conditions Impacting Safety
Project Values & Direction
Proposed Priority Projects
Questions & Answers (last 10-15 minutes)
Lightening Talks from June & Early July